High Quality Learning and Teaching

QAM is committed to high-quality learning and teaching. Student achievement, well-being and responsive pedagogy are at the fore of the school’s holistic approach. Collaboratively, we have high expectations of continuous growth and development for all.

  • construct understanding and make connections
  • demonstrate a positive disposition towards learning and embrace opportunities to learn
  • learn how to learn by developing and applying ATL skills
  • enjoy agency, with voice and choice
  • experience purposeful struggle and welcome mistakes
  • are happy to come to school.
  • is relevant, rigorous and challenging
  • involves exploration, inquiry, and just-in-time instruction
  • extends beyond the classroom
  • is enriched through dual-language teaching
  • meets individual needs, with differentiated extension and support
  • demands active engagement, thinking and reflection.
  • caters to academic, social, emotional and physical needs and promotes acceptance and inclusion
  • is inviting and provides a comfort zone to stretch learning
  • encourages risk taking, and reflection to learn from mistakes
  • makes learning visible by showcasing the learning process
  • scaffolds learning, with anchor charts, word walls and dual-language reference materials
  • features collaboratively established essential agreements.
  • is inquiry-based and concept-driven
  • approaches vary, selected according to research-based pedagogical expertise
  • has clear learning outcomes, with high expectations informed by a rigorous curriculum
  • is intentional, planned with scope to respond to student learning needs and interests
  • involves ongoing assessment, data analysis, and timely feedback and feed forward
  • establishes authentic connections with local and global issues.

Based on mutual respect, open communication and shared expectations underpin learning and teaching:

  • educators know their students
  • students collaborate with one another
  • parents understand and support school protocols
  • all educators assume collective responsibility for the learning and well-being of all students
  • school leaders know and support their staff
  • QAM staff members fulfill diverse roles, and each is recognized and valued for the positive contributions they make to the school community.
  • construct understanding and make connections
  • demonstrate a positive disposition towards learning and embrace opportunities to learn
  • learn how to learn by developing and applying ATL skills
  • enjoy agency, with voice and choice
  • experience purposeful struggle and welcome mistakes
  • are happy to come to school.
  • is relevant, rigorous and challenging
  • involves exploration, inquiry, and just-in-time instruction
  • extends beyond the classroom
  • is enriched through dual-language teaching
  • meets individual needs, with differentiated extension and support
  • demands active engagement, thinking and reflection.
  • caters to academic, social, emotional and physical needs and promotes acceptance and inclusion
  • is inviting and provides a comfort zone to stretch learning
  • encourages risk taking, and reflection to learn from mistakes
  • makes learning visible by showcasing the learning process
  • scaffolds learning, with anchor charts, word walls and dual-language reference materials
  • features collaboratively established essential agreements.
  • is inquiry-based and concept-driven
  • approaches vary, selected according to research-based pedagogical expertise
  • has clear learning outcomes, with high expectations informed by a rigorous curriculum
  • is intentional, planned with scope to respond to student learning needs and interests
  • involves ongoing assessment, data analysis, and timely feedback and feed forward
  • establishes authentic connections with local and global issues.

Based on mutual respect, open communication and shared expectations underpin learning and teaching:

  • educators know their students
  • students collaborate with one another
  • parents understand and support school protocols
  • all educators assume collective responsibility for the learning and well-being of all students
  • school leaders know and support their staff
  • QAM staff members fulfill diverse roles, and each is recognized and valued for the positive contributions they make to the school community.

Accredited Partners