1,456 Days, 208 Weeks…

1,456 Days, 208 Weeks…

“It’s been a total of 1,456 days; 208 weeks since we celebrated Back to School Night in person, as a school community …” On Tuesday 30 August, the QAM school community joined in celebration of Back to School Night @ QAM, 2022-23! With a focus on building a shared understanding, the evening opened with a parent engagement around the school’s newly defined core values: creative, achieving, responsible, empathetic, solution seekers. Using personal devices, parents were invited to reflect and respond to provocations such as …. Why are the QAM Core Values important? Rank the Core Values from most to least important? Which value do you think QAM radiates best and give an example of why? As the new school year begins the core values will define how we will work together as a school community to achieve the school’s vision and carry out its mission. They will be the foundation for building the type of atmosphere, school climate, that QAM wants to foster.